Rosie’s Roundup 10 March 2023

Solidarity with Ukraine

Alongside Labour Councillors, candidates and members I showed our Party’s unwavering support for Ukraine on the one year anniversary of Russia’s illegal invasion.

Together with our City’s Ukrainian community, we reflected on the immense suffering Ukraine has endured, and the remarkable courage and resilience of its people.

It is clearer than ever that Putin must be defeated in Ukraine. Britain must stand full square behind Ukraine, strengthening its hand on the battlefield, supporting relief and reconstruction, maintaining Western unity, isolating Putin and undermining Russia’s war effort.

President Zelenskyy’s impassioned speech to both Houses of Parliament moved us all. On Britain’s military help to Ukraine, and on reinforcing NATO allies, the Government has had – and will continue to have – our fullest Labour support. I strongly welcome the £2.3 billion in UK military assistance for Ukraine last year and this year.

Slava Ukraini

Prime Minister’s Questions

On Wednesday at Prime Minister’s Questions, I asked the Prime Minister what the Government is doing to tackle the epidemic of nitrous oxide use amongst young people. In particular I pressed him on what actions he is considering to limit the sale of nitrous oxide and to tackle those who keep cannisters under shop counters as shown in the undercover report by Sky, and are happy to sell to children without any ID checks

While I welcome the commitment to expedite the review being carried out by the Advisory Council on the Misuse of Drugs, it was disappointing that the Prime Minister did not commit to bringing forward new legislation to tackle this problem which is causing life changing harm to users, additional pressures on the NHS and blighting many of our communities.

Rise in rough sleeping

Recent Government statistics have shown a shocking increase in rough sleeping of 26% in 2022 when compared to 2021.

Here in Canterbury District, Catching Lives is seeing more people attending its day centre for support, including an increase in people sleeping in cars and vans, and more women sleeping rough. Each person is at risk, with rough sleeping linked to poorer health outcomes and lower life expectancy.

I know we would all want to thank Catching Lives for the incredible work that they do. You can find out how to get involved or make a donation to support their work here.

Campaigning for better cycling infrastructure

Last Friday, along with Labour County Councillor, Mel Dawkins, I met up with local campaigner, David Ewens who continues to campaign for new walking and cycling access from Rheims Way to Toddler’s Cove – and the long-promised, much-needed joining up of our cycle paths! Campaigners have been calling for better walking and cycling infrastructure in Canterbury since at least, yet almost nothing has been forthcoming from the Conservative Government or Conservative run Kent County Council.

I will continue to work with local Labour councillors to prioritise new cycling and walking infrastructure and give people a real choice about how they travel around our City.

Watch over Adisham Woods

On Friday, I had the pleasure of getting out in the fresh air for a walk around Adisham’s ancient woodland. I met with representatives from Watch Over Adisham Woods (WOAW). WOAW is a group of local volunteers who watch over and protect all woodlands in the parish of Adisham.

WOAW is working with local partners, planning authorities and national organisations to ensure that their beautiful woodlands are protected and not subject to unlawful development. They do a wonderful job protecting such a valuable resource for current and future generations.


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